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The Whian Whian Conservation park is apart of a greater connection of parks known as the Gondwana Rainforest and are protect- ed under the World Heritage sites. This region is home to endangered species of both Flora and Fauna. An ecologist from the SCU said it was the largest tract of remaining subtropical rainforest in the world. There are species that reference 40 million years of evolution.

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A staggering 520 species have been recorded here, 10 broad eco systems including sub tropical and warm temperate rainforests. This is a unique pocket of the world.


Big scrub is the largest tract of remaining sub tropical rainforest in the world. The region has deep roots to indigenous culture for the purpose of story book, learning and knowledge is exchanged between generations.

Restorations from small lot land holders are working together to help bring back the big scrub, 99 percent was cleared between 1880-1900 for cattle grazing and pineapple farming.

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The protests that took place in 1979 were the watershed moment where humans physically defended a natural resource, the defenders held on for 4 years some- times using drastic action to defend the natural habitat advocating for further stud- ies on the impact logging would cause.

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Cedar getters followed the trails for the “red gold” as it was a precious resource for boat building, they were followed by settlers which were given land titles from the government with the titles given only if the land be cleared by the new owner.

In only a decade 99 percent of the big scrub was cleared for agricultural farming through this title scheme.

Did you know that the “shoots” are a reference to the logging era where timber was sent down the valleys to the bottom, hence the names Skinners shoot, Coopers shoot and so forth.


The canopy above

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The region is rich in indigenous and early settler history.

This pressing pays respects to the protesters who defended this land when no one would, to show the importance of biodiversity and the sacred nature of this land.

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There is no time like the present to defend our forests, to replant and tend to the earth.
Future generations rely on us to change the current system and climate.

Here is a link to the Terania creek protests 1979 http://www.rainforestinfo.org.au/video/trees_v.html